In this course, you will learn about the Eco-Schools Seven-Step Methodology and understand it as an approach of Project Based Learning (PBL).

If you are already familiar with PBL, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to incorporate what you already know about PBL into your work with the Seven Steps. If you are new to PBL, this course will introduce you to key concepts of PBL and at the same time show you how to apply this knowledge to your teaching practices through the Seven Steps Framework.

You will hear from experienced members of the FEE Network that all have valuable insights into the processes involved with implementing the Seven Steps, working with PBL and most importantly teaching children about Sustainability and the Environment. 

The aim of this course is to inspire you in implementing the Seven Steps Methodology.

Time Required: 25-30 Hours

Target Group: Teachers in primary and secondary education and National Operators of Eco-Schools

Course rating: 5.0(1)
You’re a teacher wondering how to teach about climate change? This course aims to help you develop solid scientific knowledge about this phenomenon, as well as pedagogical skills that are useful to tackle climate change in the classroom.

Time Required: 25-30 Hours

Target Group: Primary and middle school teachers.

After following and implementing the Eco-Schools Seven Step process and collecting evidence of success, this course will give you an overview of the assessment criteria for the International Green Flag award and help you plan your journey towards a Green Flag Awarded Eco-School!

Time Required: 3-5 Hours

Target Group: Teachers and school operators in primary and secondary education

In this course, you will be introduced to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – the set of globally recognized goals that aim to secure a sustainable, peaceful, prosperous, and equitable life on Earth for everyone now and in the future by 2030.

Yes, the SDGs are indeed ambitious and need the participation of all of us! That is also why this course will provide you with specific ideas for how you can get involved and help achieve these goals through your school and local community.

This course is also available in FrenchNorwegian and Spanish.

Time Required: 4-5 Hours

Target Group: Teachers

På dette kurset vil du bli kjent med FNs bærekraftsmål – verdens felles arbeidsplan som tar sikte på å utrydde fattigdom, bekjempe ulikhet og stoppe klimaendringene innen 2030.

For ja, bærekraftsmålene er absolutt ambisiøse og krever en felles innsats fra oss alle! Det er også grunnen til at dette kurset vil gi deg helt konkrete verktøy og ideer til hvordan du kan engasjere deg og bidra til å nå disse målene i skolen og lokalsamfunnet.

Dette kurset er også tilgjengelig på engelsk, fransk og spansk.

Estimert tid: 4-5 timer

Målgruppe: Lærere

Dans ce cours, nous vous présenterons les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) - l'ensemble des objectifs reconnus mondialement qui visent à garantir une vie durable, pacifique, prospère et équitable sur Terre pour tous, aujourd'hui et à l'avenir, d'ici 2030.

Oui, les ODD sont réellement ambitieux et nécessitent la mobilisation de chacun d'entre nous ! C'est aussi pourquoi ce cours vous donnera des idées précises sur la manière dont vous pouvez vous impliquer et contribuer à la réalisation de ces objectifs par le biais de votre école et de votre collectivité locale.

Ce cours est également disponible en anglais, en norvégien et en espagnol.

Temps nécessaire : 4-5 heures

Groupe cible : Enseignants

En este curso, recibirás una introducción a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), el conjunto de metas reconocidas globalmente para asegurar una vida en el planeta que sea sostenible, pacífica, prospera y equitativa para todos, ahora y en el futuro para 2030.

¡Sí, los ODS por supuesto son ambiciosos y necesitan participación de todos nosotros! Esa es la razón por la que este curso te brindará ideas específicas sobre como puedes involucrarte y ayudar a lograr estás metas a través de tu escuela y tu comunidad local.

Este curso también está disponible en inglés, francés y noruego.

Tiempo necesario: 4-5 horas

Grupo destinatario: Profesores

In questo corso ti verranno presentati gli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDG), l'insieme di obiettivi riconosciuti a livello globale che mirano a garantire una vita sostenibile, pacifica, prospera ed equa sulla Terra per tutti, ora e in futuro, entro il 2030.

Sì, gli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile sono davvero ambiziosi e necessitano della partecipazione di tutti noi! Questo è anche il motivo per cui questo corso ti fornirà idee specifiche su come puoi essere coinvolto e contribuire a raggiungere questi obiettivi attraverso la tua scuola e la comunità locale.

Questo corso è disponibile anche in francese, norvegese e spagnolo.

Tempo richiesto: 4-5 ore

Gruppo target: Insegnanti